Dear Diary,
I went to the fabric store this weekend to buy a few things I needed to make the drapes for my Daughter-in-Love.
The drapes are coming out just as we pictured them, and I hope to hang them tomorrow when I am there priming the ceiling and the walls I just textured.
But, golly gee, the trip to the fabric store was anything but what I pictured.
I wasn't two steps inside the store before an old friend spotted me and gave a genuine shout of joy.
I recognized her, but I was shocked at her appearance.
There were flames shooting out of her head.
Inside the space of three minutes, I got at least three hugs and a jump start on a conversation about creative endeavors that nearly left me breathless.
She spoke to me about quilting and told me she is making quilts, preparing to become a quilt contest judge, and knows my friend in the Modern Quilt Guild.
She spoke to me about "The Artist's Way" and told me she is going through the book for the fifth (?) time, reads all of Julia Cameron's books, and is faithful to do the reading and the assignments every day.
She spoke to me about writing and told me she is attending local writer's club meetings, has been writing poetry, and is a member of a poetry group where members read their work and recieve critiques.
She spoke to me about fiber arts and mentioned - with a sort of breathless excitement - that there is a local fiber arts group.
She spoke to me about the way she has set up her home to facilitate creative thinking and doing; "corners" for reading, for sewing, for writing, for thinking.
Yes, her hair was definitely on fire.
And I wanted the flames to leap their boundaries and set my own bean ablaze.
Dear Diary, she told me that she reads what I write to you, so maybe she will see this and be glad to know she was an inspiration.
I met an old friend at the store,
And she spoke like she ne'er had before,
Her hair was on fire,
(A thing I admire),
So I said, "Tell me more! Tell me more!"
Then again, if she sees this, she may also be sorry.
She invited me to the poetry group.