Now that there is Sewing Day in my weekly life (hurrah!), I've actually been feeling a bit excited about two things that used to make me feel...well...hmmm...let's just say "uneasy".
I'm excited about emptying out my Unfinished Sewing Projects bin and I am excited about doing some stash-busting.
Some of the fabric in my fat-quarter-or-larger storage area dates back to when my (now twenty-something) daughters were just pudgy little toddlers (sigh).
It makes me happy to take some of those pieces of fabric off the 'bolts' (comic book backer boards = best fabric storage idea ever) and use it up.
Of course, sometimes it just turns into the size of scrap that gets moved to the smaller-than-fat-quarter storage bin (dolly clothes and other lovely things get made from this basket).
And then I get to throw the scraps away.
Some of the scraps are still big enough to make those pincushion rings I posted about here.
After making, say, forty or so of those pinscushions, the fabric stash is really busted.
Now we get to throw the scraps away.
Now we make lots of little 'flags' from the scraps.
And we use them to make as many zippered pouches as we can get done in a Sewing Day.
Then you know what happens?
You don't just throw the leftover flags away, because now you have a whole tray (Dollar Store cookie sheets for project trays is a good thing) full of leftover flags because you almost always get carried away by these things and begin to do things in full-on robot mode and don't stop for, like, ever, and you keep cutting little flags like the world depends on there being just hundreds and hundreds of little flags in it and you're the only one who can make them and...
You get the picture.
I never said I was a well-balanced person.
And now I have to find other fun projects to do with fabric flags because I'm running out of zippers and surely there are other wonderful things I can make with these that would help me do even more stash-busting and I could look on Pinterest for ideas and wouldn't a little quilt with bunting going from side to side be kind of nice or perhaps I could make a...
I repeat: Not well balanced.