I confess.
I have an affinity for the unusual.
Plus, I like collections I don't have to pay for, dust, insure, or find storage or display space for.
For the last year or so, I've been collecting unusual names.
One of the odd jobs I do at work every day is to enter into our database the names from all the state obituaries.
It's difficult to rein my mind in when it sets about imagining the lives represented by these lists of (sometimes amazing) names and occupations; so I had to set the parameters at simply collecting the names I enjoy the most.
I thought maybe I would use some of them to name my next group of handmade dolls, but I've already started using them to nickname real people I work and live with.
I call Miss Mary Mack "Alwana" now.
As in, "Alwana know when you arrive safely in St. Louis, girl."
For all practical purposes, my coworker is now "Tinky"; and don't you know it lightens our moods to use that moniker?
I am saving "Ippin", "Icie", and "Icophene" for some doll triplets.
I'm not sure who or what will be honored recipients of "Edsom Bumps", "Obie Lea", "Joed Cleave", "Alta Mae", or "Bernietta Hazel".
I love knowing that "Jot Jr." was a real-live cowboy and "Pee Wee" was a ranch hand.
And I love "Alpha Ruth", "Journey Echo", "Delpha Jo", "Clara Velma" and "Opal Mavis", whatever their occupations may have been.
But I think my favorite so far is "Thrilda B".
And that's what they call me at work now.
As in...
"I'm Thrilda B here."