...moved just after I last posted about them.
Miss Helping Hands moved them to the shelf over the computer area.
Two problems arose (for me) because of this move.
One: I realized how badly I want/need to replace the green plant that is supposed to live where the drawing-of-no-one-we-know is sitting.
Two: Oh-my-goodness-somebody-help-me-they're-not-in-a-straight-line-and-it's-very-very-awfully-much-troubling-to-my-eyes-mind-soul-ack-every-little-piece-of-me!!!!!!
That's off my chest.
Am I the only one this would trouble?
I think not.
I think it even disturbed my little harlequin friend; just look how she's staring at them.
If she could talk, I believe she would let out some kind of primal scream.
I can talk, but I never told Miss Helping Hands.
And you shouldn't either.