Have I ever mentioned my love for Mr. Einstein?
I've never really understood all the E=MC2 business (science + math = notmyfavoritesubjects), but I do understand many of his quotes, and I completely agree with him about power napping.
However, what I really love about him is his face and...
...his hair.
I'm that shallow.
My good friends know about me and Einie.
I own two coffee mugs and a large poster with Einie's face on them which were all given to me by friends.
I also have Einie greeting cards and several different kinds of Einie stickers.
And now I have a photocopy of a picture of Einie (and "Party") taken when he visited Yerkes Observatory in 1921.
And the reason I own this picture is because my friend, Patti-is-Fun, gave it to me.
I call her Patti-is-Fun because that is how she 'signs in' on our blackboard when she visits. She writes it right next to her 'signature picture'. Just like this:
Patti-is-fun has wanted to go inside this observatory for the many years she has vacationed in Chicago, and this year she finally got her wish.
In the form of a private, after-hours tour - which included viewing the original photograph.
A copy of which she requested and received just for moi.
I think everything really does depend on 'who you know'.
Patti knows God.
And He arranged for that private tour for His beloved daughter.
I know Patti.
And she arranged for me to have this picture.