Just like most of you, I turned the calendar page to 'September' last Thursday.
But, unlike most of you, it made me feel light-headed and a little scared.
September is a full month around here; four birthdays and one anniversary in our little family, and a whopping 15 birthdays on the big family calendar.
It was obvious I needed to plan another wild card-making session with my friend, Able Baker Dana, so we got together for lunch first thing this month.
We treated ourselves to a luxurious dining experience at our local exotic food restaurant.
(Kind of looks like 'dang' rather than dana, doesn't it?)
Tomorrow we start cutting paper.
And, dang, we've gotta work fast.
I don't know if you've ever played the game Phase 10.
It's a long, torturous game, which I play only to prove my love to my sons.
It's their favorite.
And, if signing on for a game means I'll have the pleasure of their company (and, sometimes, the bonus of a special niece's company), well...
The women in my Friday morning D'Art group are wonderful people.
When I am around them my hair catches fire.
They each do different kinds of creative work, and Friday I spent some quality time poring over one kind in particular.
My friend, Miss B, is a certified Zentangle teacher, and we are working out plans for her to hold a class...right here at Gwen's place.
I am pretty doggone excited about it, and I will be posting some details for you very soon.
You're going to want to come.