When we add our visiting-from-out-of-state relatives to the few dozen relatives who live nearby, we get a heap-big pile of talking, laughing, and hungry people.
Sunday we served eighteen of them my favorite grilled cheese sandwich ever.
It's made with this wonderful tomato bread, homemade pesto (I'm so glad we planted basil), and mozzarella cheese.
I wish I could see to it that each of you has one of these soon.
And if you could add a side of cucumber salad, made with cucumbers from your Seester's garden, thin slices of red onion, some red wine vinegar, and a few sprinkles of Jane's Krazy Mixed-up Original Seasoning Salt...gosh, that would be perfection.
And then.
Then I would wish for you a slice of homemade apple pie.
If you had been here Sunday, you could have helped us rate the four new pie recipes we made Saturday with the apples from my Seester's trees.
We tried this one for Dutch apple pie.
And this one for lattice-topped apple pie with a lightly boiled sugar and spice mixture poured over the top.
We tried this one for a traditional double crust apple pie (which called for whiskey!).
And this one for sour cream apple pie.
Miss Helping Hands is an expert with the pie crust, and prefers to mix hers by hand.
I was a little tired by the time we got ready to make the fourth pie (the double crust), so I looked up a recipe for crust made in the food processor.
I'm a little bit sorry I did that.
So much fat.
Such good crust.
On Sunday, I served everyone a little sliver of each kind of pie and had them rate them on a scale of 1-5.
The traditional two-crust pie and the sour cream apple got the most five-star ratings, but none of them had any ratings lower than three.
I'm so glad we packed the leftovers up and sent them home to be eaten by other people.
Because I'm going out to pick more apples today.