I'm going to spend the day freely today.
I may or may not mow the yards.
I may or may not fold all that laundry.
I may or may not finish ironing our twelve hundred cloth napkins.
And I may or may not write the three or four letters I have been processing inside my head for two weeks.
One thing I will be doing, if the morning is any indication, is fighting off a spending spree.
Some of the stuff I've been wanting for a long time just won't leave my thoughts today.
Japanese washi paper masking tape.
Fortunately, there are only thirty or forty patterns I think I can't live without. Why I want the entire collection of Martha Stewart glitter, I cannot say.
But the package does say "essential".
I'm also thinking, for health reasons, I should not go too many more days without some baker's twine.
It does not say 'essential' on the packaging, but why state the obvious?
And I'm in actual desperate need of some brown packing tape for this project.
Or perhaps just a roll of double sided tape to do it this way.
This might be a really long day.