I'm still in awe of the lovely spring we are having this year.
Monday it got downright cold, though, and I really appreciated that.
I needed a day to curl up and rest, and it was nice to be able to get out my (one and only finished) quilt for comfort.
About the only useful thing I did around here was to take care of the living things.
I'm still babying all the herbs I planted from seed, and I am watching my new wildflower garden with great anticipation.
When I checked it Monday, the alyssum was just starting to bloom.
My trouble is, I don't know very many plants by sight, and I've lost the little drawing I made to remind me which seeds I sowed, and where.
There are some awfully sweet little blue flowers popping up and I don't know their names.
The bugs like them, too, but I don't think they care what they're called.