The weather is so exceptionally lovely, and it stays that way for such a short time here, that I've been trading my indoor workouts for some outdoor activity the last couple of days.
Yesterday I mowed the lawn, and I found this in our back yard:
I don't know whence it came, since we've not had any construction done recently, but I sure do like it.
Could it be that I have a thing for any and all writing implements?
Surely not.
Today I decided to move a bit closer to literally running errands.
I walked the few miles it required to buy some stickers at the local craft store for my Calendar-Making Seester.
And ...
...and behold!
I saw...
...on the street!
I was so glad I could pick yous up and bring yous home.
I also picked up this elegant cursive...
...and, just seconds after I thought about how hard it was probably going to be to find one, I picked up this...
But, please don't think me indiscriminate.
I don't pick up everything I see.
I did refuse to pick up the baby snake I saw at the end of someone's driveway.
Even though it was perfectly essssssssssssssss shaped.