There just aren't a lot of similarities between Naomi and me.
But one thing we have in common is neither of us like to go to the grocery store.
So I was proud of Naomi when she forced herself to go there yesterday.
Then she unpacked the groceries.
And I was very proud of her.
She scored three new additions to my produce sticker collection.
And one of them was a real beauty.
I love this Victor orange label.
It was scored-for-easy-removal in eight different places, so I had to use some finesse to get it off in one piece.
But, yowza, I'm glad to have it!
The avocado sticker makes me happy, too.
Wouldn't that be a pretty little Inchie?
And, of course, anything that says 'Jazz' (especially in such a cool typeface) is alright by me.
The stores have been carrying a fabulous variety of apples this year, and even Prince Charming knows to buy a different kind each week.
Partly for our eating pleasure.
But mostly for the label.