Prince Charming read my post yesterday.
The post wherein I bemoaned the fact that I hadn't taken a picture of the letter box at the Colcord.
Prince Charming works downtown.
Look what he did on his lunch hour:
Now you see what I mean about the letter box.
And about Prince Charming.
If you zoom in on this photo you can even read the plaque under "U.S.MAIL".
Isn't it a beautiful thing?
While I was at the Colcord looking at the paintings with my artist friends, one of them became enamored of this letter box, too.
We both loved the elevator doors, also, which you can see on either side of the letter box.
And while we were talking about them, she told me something wonderful.
She told me I could probably take a paper clay mold of these things, because paper clay does not leave a residue like other clay does.
Prince Charming and paper clay in the world?
Be still my beating heart!
So much good news!
You get to see the photograph.
And I get to go back.