Yesterday, I finally took the time to blow out all those little, tiny quail eggs.
It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be.
I just made a very small hole at the top.
A little bigger hole on the bottom.
And blew two large holes in my ear drums.
If you're laughing, I can't hear you.
Know what else I did yesterday?
I made Emeril's Wedgie Salad for dinner.
Oh, yeah, baby.
That's all I have to say about that.
And that brings us to today's exciting news.
Breaking news.
Look at this:
And these:
How can something so small... so exciting?
It's called potential.
Some day, with God's blessing, they will look like these:
And that's just pretty thrilling.
So, there you have it.
Two more inches of my life.