I started making puffy paper stars about a year ago.
I'd decided to make something every day and paper stars are fast and easy.
And addictive.
So they'll answer if I get to the end of a day and realize I haven't created anything.
That's how the galaxy grew.
And now I keep them on the cofee table.
I scoop them up and set them aside when I'm cleaning, and scatter them back out when I'm finished.
It's like making a new piece of art when I dust every week.
Or every two weeks.
Or once in a blue moon.
And sometimes I'll write a little prayer on the strip of paper before it becomes a star.
Now, stop thinking about the dust on my coffee table, and make some puffy stars of your very own.
Here's how:
You'll need some thin strips of lightweight paper, about 12" long.
Most of mine are cut less than 1" wide.
Start by tying one end of the paper...
...into a tight little "knot" that makes a perfect pentagon once you...
...tuck that little end around the back.
Now you start wrapping the long end around the back...
...and then wrap it around the front.
Make nice tight folds and be sure to keep the shape of that pentagon.
You're going to tuck the end into it.
Sometimes you'll have to make a little fold so the end will fit inside.
Then just tuck it right in.
Nice and snug.
I'm so sorry that I only have two hands, and no way to show you this important step very well.
Can I talk you through it?
Just hold the pentagon by it's sides between your thumb and index finger.
And pinch the opposite sides of the pentagon in to make a star point.
Keep going until you have created all five points and have your own little galaxy starter kit.
Just like this.
It will need friends.
And you will want to make them.
So, it's all good.
Now stop thinking about my crunchy cuticles, jagged nails, and dry skin.
It's use and abuse, folks. Use and abuse.